Deep Tissue Massage
Result oriented treatments that alleviate pain & optimize function & mobility
About Jeff
Jeff is a longtime resident of the Southern Oregon and passionate about health and wellness. He received his training in Structural Integration at the Rolf Institute in Boulder, Colorado.
Jeff lives with his wife, Sarah, and three daughters in Ashland, Oregon. He's an active community member volunteering his time and energy to serving the people of the Southern Oregon.
Jeff is grateful to have the opportunity to help people experience a greater level of well being through Deep Tissue Massage and the process of Structural Integration, also known as Rolfing®.
"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

"What lies behind you and what lies in front of you pales in comparison to what lies inside of you." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Deep Tissue Massage
The goal of Deep Tissue Massage is to alleviate pain while optimizing function and mobility. Deep Tissue Massage releases adhesion between muscles, connective tissue and bones. To release deeply ingrained patterns of tension is effective at treating overworked muscles, facilitates healing from injury, corrects posture imbalances, and enhances function and mobility. The more areas of the body we can get to lengthen and relax the more likely the change in a specific area will occur and last.
Rolfing: Structural Integration®
Developed more than fifty years ago by Dr. Ida P. Rolf, Rolfing is a holistic process known as structural integration. This process of structural integration aims to improve health by reestablishing the natural alignment of the human body. The hands on work by the practitioner involves manipulation of the muscles, fascia, and other connective tissue through pressure which is applied by the Rolfer™. A Rolfing series is done over the course of 10 sessions which are systematically designed to reorganize the structure of the body. When the structure of the human body is brought into supportive alignment the functioning of the whole person improves. Each session covers different areas of the body while focusing on your individual needs.
Rolfing has been known to help in the following ways:
Reduce and relieves chronic pain​
(Shoulders, Hips, Knees, Elbows, Neck, Low Back, etc)
Improve posture and mobility
Improve athletic performance
Reduce instances of migraines​
Addresses spinal curvatures
Addresses injuries
Addresses TMJ dysfunction
Reduce carpal tunnel syndrome
Reduce insomnia
Increase stamina
One reason Rolfing has such profound effects is that when a body is in better alignment and more structurally sound this naturally energizes the person as a whole. This increase of vigor to the system has been known to help the body facilitate many changes towards overall improvement in health and wellness.
Rolfing Is also done as stand alone session to address your specific needs. Usually you will experience improvement after just one session.
You are encouraged to contact Jeff to discuss if Rolfing may be beneficial for any of your specific conditions.*
*Please call Jeff at 541-415-0469

"Intense love does not measure, it just gives. Gloria in Excelsis Deo!" - Mother Teresa
~ Testimonials ~
"The first time Jeff Staab mentioned the word Rolfing, all that came to my mind was vomiting. I had never heard that word in any other context before. When he explained what Rolfing was, to be honest, I was quite apprehensive. I am very much a sceptic. Things like acupuncture, chiropractors, deep body massage or anything that sounds like some holistic cure-all mumbo jumbo, has never appealed to me. I couldn’t have been more wrong!
I have made my living doing construction for the last 20 years and have over worked my body in many ways. About two weeks after Jeff had informed me about Rolfing, my left arm was hurting so badly that I was concerned about how I would continue my duties at work. My arm and shoulder blade had progressively been getting worse for years; but it was literally at a point where I was thinking that maybe I’ll have to get surgery or try and become right handed or even worse, quit my profession.
Jeff had informed me that he was already going to school to become a certified Rolfer. He needed patients to perform the 10 series on. Though I was skeptical, I really had nothing to lose so I called Jeff, and got scheduled for 10 sessions.
After my first session with Jeff, I didn’t really feel that much different. But when I went to work the next day, my arm felt about 50 percent better than it had in weeks. My arm had more mobility than what it had had for years. After each session, my whole body progressively got better.
Does my arm still hurt? Yes. Am I as limber as a 20 year old? No. It’s not magic, but I would not hesitate to tell anyone that my Rolfing experience truly did have effects on my whole body in a very positive way.
If you are someone that is constantly hurting or not as limber as you once were or have aches and pains from just getting older, I would recommend trying Rolfing. I just did the 10 series. I can’t imagine what going on a regular basis would do. So if you’re in pain and need relief, don’t be a sceptic like I was. Give Rolfing a chance, it really works."
- Craig Ferry, 35
"I lived for over 20 years with chronic pain in my upper back and neck which is related to a kyphosis curvature of my spine. I have utilized many healing modalities to bring relief, however, it's always been temporary. I have received 8 sessions of Rolfing with Jeff and am experiencing prolonged relief as well as seeing a noticeable change in my posture. In fact I gained a half inch in height! Eight months ago I fell and fractured my wrist. Another result of the fall was constant dislocation of my second rib. Acupuncture and massage have brought me relief for 2 to 3 weeks at the most. During my last session with Jeff I mentioned the pain my rib was causing. Since that session, over 3 months ago, my rib has remained in its' proper place. I recommend Rolfing as a highly effective approach to pain management."
- Jenn Fogler, 38
I had never heard of Rolfing and when it was described to me I questioned my interest. A friend though, spent some time talking about its orgin and its unique application to all parts of the body. Then I had an opportunity to experience a session. I had never encountered anything like it. Right away I felt my balance improve along with feeling more energy. After a later session I struggled to describe how I felt and could only say that I felt "together" and "whole". I wish I was introduced to Rolfing long ago.
- Ed Zick, 81
"Rolfing makes me feel better. Getting the ten series has lessened tension in my shoulders back and neck. It has helped me to stand straighter and with better posture. The legwork has helped to change the shape of my legs. I am proud to be Rolfed! I feel it makes me stronger."
- Lily, 13
"I recently had the privilege of a receiving the ten series through weekly sessions with Jeff. I have been very physically active and athletic my entire life. I have some acute muscle patterning habits and old injury sites that come with repetition and age. Jeff was able to target my chronically painful issues and helped me gain the best results I've had with bodywork. His technique and his receptivity to feedback makes the delivery intuitive and effective. Thank you Jeff!"
- Cat Moresco, 54
Contact Jeff (541) 415-046
~ Frequently Asked Questions ~

What does a Rolfing® session look like?
A Rolfing SI session is 60 minutes. It starts with a standing evaluation of the client and moves to hands on work of manual manipulation of the fascia, connective tissue, and muscles. The client is lying comfortably on the table for most of the session. Each session includes neck and back work and concludes with education for daily life.
How much does a session cost?
$100.00 an hour.
What do I wear?
For Rolfing, female clients wear bra and underwear or a sports bra and athletic shorts. Male clients wear underwear or athletic shorts.
What does Rolfing feel like?
Some sensations you will feel will be similar to a strong stretch. My five years old daughter described it herself as feeling like waves moving under her skin. She thinks the sensations are cool. The work will be done with the client to reach an optimum level of structural change. The client will be asked to participate in the process by informing the Rolfer as to the sensation and their qualities. Sensations may vary from a pleasurable release to discomfort. Any discomfort on the table is worth the trade to alleviate chronic pain and increase function in daily life.
What is the ten series?
The ten series is a systematic process of structurally changing the human body. Each structural integration session works with different areas of the body with different objectives in mind. Ten sessions allow enough time to devote appropriate attention to specific areas and issues that are common structural challenges. This is in order customize work that is meaningful to your unique body and lifestyle.
Do I have to commit to 10 sessions?
No I also do stand alone sessions to address your specific needs. Usually you will experience improvement after one session.
As for the ten series come in for one session and see how you respond to the work. After one session if you feel like this could benefit you, then at this time it is recommended to commit to two more sessions for a total of three. The end of session three is a natural place in the series to evaluate whether you would like to continue. If you do decide to proceed it is suggested to complete the rest of the series within six months.
What is fascia?
Fascia is a type of connective tissue which surrounds, encases, and holds everything in the body together. It is a solid gel like substance but when you apply pressure (the Rolfer's touch) it becomes soft, hydrated, and easily changeable. Just below the skin is a layer of fascia that encases the body from head to toe. You could think of this layer like one continuous sheet of plastic wrap. If one part of the plastic wrap gets tugged on or pushed on, then everything changes shape. That is why injuries, accidents, or repetitive postural issues in one area of the body changes the structure of the whole human body. One a deeper level, each group of muscles are separated from other groups of muscles by fascia. All of your bones, organs, and muscles are each wrapped and held in place by this amazing tissue. This fascial system is continuous throughout the entire body. It is through this living physical element we call "fascia" that the Rolfer enters this world of structure we know as the human body and helps to facilitate change.
Who created Rolfing?
Structural integration or Rolfing was created by Ida P. Rolf. Dr. Rolf received her Ph.D. in biochemistry from Columbia University in 1920. She went to work at the Rockefeller Institute in the department of organic chemistry for twelve years. She then studied mathemtatics and atomic physics at the Swiss Technical University in Zurich, Switzerland. She also extensively studies homeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic medicine, philosophy, and yoga. Needless to say she was a genius. Searching for solutions for family health problems she was led to investigae the effects of structure on function. Structural integration was designed by Dr. Rolf to relieve painful conditions, improve general functioning, and promote wellness to the entire person.
Is Rolfing the same as Structural Integration?
Rolfing is like Coke™ and Structural Integration is like soda-pop. Dr. Rolf called her work Structural Intgeration. The phrase "getting Rolfed" was slang for a Structural Integration session. The Rolf Institute is the original and by far the largest shcool of Structural Integration in the world. Only graduates of the Rolf Institue may rightfully call themselves Rolfers™.
Who benefits from the changes of Structural Integration?
Everyone from newborns to people 99 plus years of age can beneifit from the process of Rolfing. Rolfing can be extremely efffective with children as their bodies adapt to changes quickly. Rolfing can assist adolescents and children with growing pains, scoliosis, poor posture, leg imbalances, and headaches among other things. Sessions are usually shorter and not done in a 10 series format until adolescence. I am flexible in my rates for children and adults with disabilities.
The senior population, people seventy or older, reap the benefits of Rolfing through stability, flexbility, and an increase of energy. Like other age groups, seniors report an overall well being from receving Structural Integration.
Then there is everyone between newborns to 99 year olds with a diversity of employment and life activities. These include but aren't limited to athletes, auto-mechanics, doctors, gardners, carpenters, hikers, fishing guides, nurses, dentists, lawyers, housepainters, caregivers, quilters, surfers, teachers, dancers, professors, to computer techs to hang-gliders, to the beloved keeper of the home. If you could benefit from less pain, improved functioning, and a natural lift of energy then Rolfing is for you!